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형람서원 2008. 8. 29. 08:22

   But as סלל Selal, from which it is derived, signifies to lift up, we incline to the opinion of those who think it denotes the lifting up of the voice in harmony in the exercise of singing. At the same time, it must be observed, that the music was adapted to the sentiment, and so the harmony was in unison with the character or subject-matter of the song; just as David here, after having complained of his enemies for shamefully laughing to scorn his hope, as if the protection of God would be of no avail to him, fixes the attention on this blasphemy, which severely wounded his heart, by the use of the word Selah; and as a little after, when he has added a new ground of confidence with regard to the safety of his person, he repeats the same word.(칼빈 주석 시편 3편 2절)


  '셀라'에 대해서는 주석가들 사이에 의견이 다양하다. 그것을 확증의 표로 보는데, 그것은 '참으로' 혹은 '아멘'으로 보는 사람도 있고, '영원히' 라는 뜻으로 보는 사람도 있다. 그러나 이 단어의 어원이 '들어 올리다' 이므로 우리는 그것이 노래의 화음을 더 높이기 위해서 내는 높은 음성으로 보는 사람들의 견해가 타당한 것으로 본다.
